Wednesday 1 August 2012


Welcome to the first day of the last month of winter. I was outside at 6.50am and I could notice the extra light as I could see the steps as I walked around the outside the side of the house. I met different ones who were enjoying the early morning frost with me.

I ventured out again about midday with my camera and took some shots.

There is some gorgeous colour in the garden.

The sun was out today. We had a minimum of 2 degrees and high of 12. The wind was at 6km per hour and so it was great just to wander outside. The sun helped my dough rise and I baked a delicious loaf of buttermilk bread.

Spring is still a month away but these bulbs could not wait. The ground is obviously warm enough for them to poke their beautiful heads out.

Anyhow, must go and get dinner out. We are about to try those potatoes....Dot

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