Tuesday 25 October 2016


Something I know for sure, Silver beet grows well here in Tasmania.

I planted a punnet of seedlings MONTHS ago and they have been producing beautiful deep green leaves ever since and still going strong. We have used them in fresh juice, soup, on pizza, vegi mash, salad mix and smoothie. I want to incorporate this yummy green into a pie so I have been putting some ideas together and added it to the meal plan for the next week. We try to have greens in our diet everyday. Today so far we have consumed barley green, grapes, beans, and cabbage. For dinner we are having peas, avocado with lime. 

Here at home we are blessed with the supply of fresh eggs coming our way as we need them. The hub of the home goes through 1-2 dozen a week. Imagine my surprise this week when I was about the poach some for my breakfast (hubby had his scrambled) ....

... a double-yoker. For me they are rare, so I was tickled to find one. I always break my eggs into a glass as I often have to scrape something out that I don't want in there. Fussy, I know, but more often it is a piece of shell. Ooooh!!!

This is how they turned out and once seasoned they were delicious.

I was about to head out today and looked across the yard to find that 2 black chickens had decided to see how greener it was on the other side. They pecked about for a while and made their way back home behind the shed. No, our supply is close-by but not that close. 

Cinerarias are popping their colours up all over the garden. 

Have a great week ... Dot :-) 

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